The Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting (CHMM) is the annual meeting of health ministers from across the (British) Commonwealth countries. The meeting reviews activity and events from the previous year and provides a platform for countries to bring issues of health relevance to the attention of their Commonwealth partners and peers. Each CHMM provides a ministerial statement summarising the discussion and priorities for the coming year including setting the theme for the next meeting.
The Commonwealth is committed to actively pursuing the attainment of health-related UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. These reflect and affirm the Commonwealth Charter values and principles of promoting access to affordable health and removing wide disparities and unequal living standards as guided by internationally-agreed development goals. This includes accelerating universal health coverage (UHC), strengthening health systems and addressing communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as a means of securing a more sustainable future for Commonwealth citizens. Key issues to be discussed at the meeting on Sunday include: mental health, violence and sexual and reproductive health, UHC for women and girls, building resilience to communicable diseases and climate change, and strategies to finance UHC such as national health insurance systems.