Director of the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO, Dr. Carissa Etienne has singled out Jamaica as one of six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that’s yet to vaccinate 20 percent of its population. Her comments come amid concerns of vaccine hesitancy across the region. Both the World Health Organization and PAHO outlined a target of 40 percent vaccination for Latin America and … [Read more...]
Delta variant exploits low vaccine rates, easing of rules
The latest alarming coronavirus variant is exploiting low global vaccination rates and a rush to ease pandemic restrictions, adding new urgency to the drive to get more shots in arms and slow its supercharged spread. The vaccines most used in Western countries still appear to offer strong protection against the highly contagious delta variant, first identified in India and now spreading in more … [Read more...]
Accreditation in the global healthcare marketplace
Tatum Anderson assesses the range of international hospital accreditations available on the global market today – looking at what each of these signifies in terms of international patient care – and how benchmarks can vary between standards, regions and private versus public hospitals Look up a hospital website, and the best in the world will boast a stream of accreditation standards. … [Read more...]