The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the global health care system, highlighting both gaps in allocation and shortcomings in the delivery of care. Domestically, health care is more highly regulated at every level of government than any other industry, including the famed military-industrial complex that is primarily regulated at the federal level. However, the public health emergency has … [Read more...]
CES 2021: Enter the brave new world of digital healthcare boom
Digital health care is in the spotlight at the tech industry's big event this week amid a pandemic that has highlighted the importance of remote services, with a potentially lasting impact on medical delivery. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is being held online from 11-14 January, will showcase technology for remote patient visits, biosensors and a range of other gadgetry that can … [Read more...]
Is digital medicine a cure for the issues of health care cost, quality and access?
Health care policy proposals tend to aim at three major goals: improving quality of care, enhancing access to care and containing health care cost. Many experts believe progress toward one of these goals requires a tradeoff, with sacrifices for the other goals. For example, providing access to health care for more people may only be possible by either increasing health care cost or through cuts in … [Read more...]