Jamaica and Puerto Rico are the only islands in the Caribbean so far to have announced that they are developing medical marijuana dispensaries. Jamaica decriminalized marijuana (ganja) for recreational use in 2015 which ironically was on Bob Marley’s birthday, and the dispensary is set to open by June of this year in the home of the late Perry Henzell, the famous director and producer of the popular cult film, ‘The Harder They Come.’ The possession of marijuana for medical or therapeutic purposes is now legal in Jamaica and many Jamaicans hope that this will allow tourists to take part in marijuana consumption. Many Jamaicans are excited about the prospect of “ganja tourism”. Under the law, tourists who have a medical marijuana prescription from their country will have to buy an ID card for $20 at the airport that will allow them to use marijuana. Another new popular tourism activity in Jamaica is taking a tour of a fully operational marijuana farm. This activity comes highly recommended and many travel agencies will coordinate these tours for you.
In Puerto Rico, Future Farm Technologies Inc. (FFPR LLC) has announced a joint venture with the owners of the Clinica Verde brand of medical cannabis dispensaries (TCG Investments, LLC). Construction is set to begin initially with 2 of a total of 5 medical marijuana dispensaries that FFPR plans to open on the island. The five dispensaries will be operated under the Clinica Verde brand, which has already established itself as the leading medical cannabis dispensary operator in Puerto Rico. The dispensaries are strategically located in the densely populated urban centers of Humacao, where there is a concentration of hospitals and medical professionals, and in the center of the Condado district of San Juan, to provide easy access and care to over 23,000 registered patients in Puerto Rico.
Finally other Caribbean islands who are considering decriminalizing marijuana include the Cayman Islands, Antigua and Barbados all with the ultimate objective to create new revenue streams for their fragile economies via the lucrative medical marijuana industry.
Ed Stephenson is an experienced healthcare consultant specializing in Caribbean healthcare issues. Learn more
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