Researchers at Mayo Clinic in Rochester have performed the first cardiac scan with their new photon-counting detector CT scanner. The scanner is fast enough to provide clear images of the heart and blood vessels and is part of an ongoing collaboration with Siemens Healthineers. "We've already performed studies that demonstrate that the extra detail allows physicians to be much more confident … [Read more...]
Detecting cancer and heart disease in a single low-dose CT scan with AI
Clinicians at Massachusetts General Hospital and engineers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a deep learning algorithm capable of screening for cardiovascular disease risk and cancer from the same scan. Applied to low-dose CT, the AI solution is designed to expedite the diagnosis process, accelerate treatment and improve patient outcomes, while eliminating the need for … [Read more...]
Radiologists make more errors when interpreting CT studies at night
[Reprinted: HCB News, 8-24-2020] Radiologists are making more errors when interpreting CT studies overnight than they are when examining scans in the daytime. That’s according to researchers at Mayo Clinic, who found errors frequently occurred more in off-hour body CT interpretations examined overnight, and more so in the latter half of nighttime assignments. Radiologists were also found to … [Read more...]
Chest CT scans diagnose COVID-19 better than lab tests, says study
Chest CT scans are more efficient than lab tests in confirming 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnoses, according to a new study out of Wuhan, China. Encompassing more than 1,000 patients, the assessment deemed CT to be the primary screening tool for COVID-19. Finding such a tool that can make early diagnoses is high in importance, as without specific therapeutic drugs or vaccines for the … [Read more...]