[Reprinted: HCB News, 9-8-2020] Today, Magnetic Resonance (MR) is an essential part of the radiology department’s diagnostic capabilities. This makes it easy to forget how relatively new the technology is, with systems first used in clinical practice only around 40 years ago. For much of that time, MR represented a trade-off: incredible images, particularly of soft tissues, with no radiation … [Read more...]
Radiologists make more errors when interpreting CT studies at night
[Reprinted: HCB News, 8-24-2020] Radiologists are making more errors when interpreting CT studies overnight than they are when examining scans in the daytime. That’s according to researchers at Mayo Clinic, who found errors frequently occurred more in off-hour body CT interpretations examined overnight, and more so in the latter half of nighttime assignments. Radiologists were also found to … [Read more...]
Private radiologists struggling to stay afloat amid COVID-19
[Reprinted: HealthCareBusiness, 7-23-2020] The COVID-19 pandemic has left many private radiology practices questioning their future existence, according to a special report conducted by the Radiological Society of North America COVID-19 Task Force. Examination volumes, which private radiology practices depend on heavily for revenue, have dropped 40% – 90%, and the reduction is expected to … [Read more...]
Nonwhite patients more likely to have severe COVID-19, study finds
[Reprinted: Medical News Today, 7-21-2020] New research indicates that white, non-Hispanic patients are less likely to have a severe form of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2. The research, published in the journal Radiology, provides further evidence of the disproportionate effects of issues concerning race and ethnicity on the severity of COVID-19. The sudden emergence and rapid spread of … [Read more...]