Reprinted: US News, 12-15-2023 Two private companies announced Friday a partnership to release mosquitoes across the Caribbean bred with a bacterium that blocks the dengue virus as the region fights a record number of cases. Orbit Services Partners Inc., a company registered in Barbados, is partnering with Verily, a San Francisco-based health technology company, for the project. … [Read more...]
Dengue epidemic in Martinique
[Reprinted: ITIJ, 10-15-2020] The number of cases reported on the Caribbean island constitute the largest outbreak reported on the island in the last decade. Between November 2019 and September 2020, 20,520 suspected dengue cases have been reported in Martinique, including eight severe cases and 10 deaths. Among these cases, 7,790 cases, including one severe case and seven deaths, were … [Read more...]
Jamaica: Dengue Fever Outbreak
Jamaica is now in the midst of a dengue outbreak. Like chikungunya and Zika, dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by a virus. Unlike chikungunya and Zika, however, dengue is endemic to Jamaica. In other words, it is always in the envrionment somewhere in the on island. There are four types, known as serotypes, of the virus that causes dengue: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4. … [Read more...]