[Reprinted: CIDRAP, 5-21-2020] The COVID-19 pandemic shifted telemedicine from an outlier to a necessity almost overnight, and doctors say they can't see ever going back to their old model of care. "It's hard to imagine us going back to doing everything in the office," said Joe Kvedar, MD, president-elect of the American Telemedicine Association in Arlington, Virginia, "It's more convenient, … [Read more...]
Telemedicine gains ground as coronavirus stretches hospitals
[Reprinted: Nikkei Asian Review, 5-18-2020] TOKYO -- As the coronavirus outbreak overwhelms hospitals across the world, online medical services have become a valuable tool for connecting patients and doctors without placing further strain on the system. "You've been prescribed 30 days of medication for dyslipidemia, how are you feeling?" a pharmacist at a Tokyo drugstore asked in March. The … [Read more...]