[Reprinted: CIDRAP, 5-21-2020] The COVID-19 pandemic shifted telemedicine from an outlier to a necessity almost overnight, and doctors say they can't see ever going back to their old model of care. "It's hard to imagine us going back to doing everything in the office," said Joe Kvedar, MD, president-elect of the American Telemedicine Association in Arlington, Virginia, "It's more convenient, … [Read more...]
Telemedicine adoption takes off during coronavirus pandemic
[Reprinted: Insurance Business America, 5-11-2020] Telemedicine adoption has picked up in recent years. An American Medical Association (AMA) study from February 2020 showed a 100% increase in telehealth usage across three years, though the digital tool has yet to reach mainstream status. The coronavirus pandemic might help to further speed up the adoption of this technology as telemedicine … [Read more...]
How will the healthcare industry be different in a post-pandemic world?
[Reprinted: HealthCareBusiness, 4-20-2020] Despite the toll COVID-19 has had on the healthcare industry, a number of growth opportunities have been born out of the pandemic, according to analysts with Frost & Sullivan. A new analysis by the research firm, “Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare Industry,” shows a projected 100% increase in the use and adoption of virtual … [Read more...]
Telemedicine Will Be Part Of The ‘New Normal’
Telemedicine has and continues to be a lifeline during the coronavirus pandemic. Because COVID-19 is so widespread and contagious, healthcare providers throughout the U.S. have turned to telehealth services as their first line of defense. By providing a no-contact means to pre-screen patients, telemedicine allows primary care doctors to refer only those patients who absolutely need emergency … [Read more...]
Teleradiology is being practiced by vast majority of radiologists
(Reprinted from the January/February issue of HealthCare Business News magazine) Dr. Eric Brian Friedberg and his colleagues in the American College of Radiology's (ACR) Commission on General, Small, Emergency and/or Rural Practices spend a lot of time thinking about ways to improve access to imaging in underserved regions. Teleradiology holds a lot of potential for that, so they asked the … [Read more...]