On the eve of World Mental Health Day, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is launching a social media campaign to raise awareness of the sustained burden the COVID-19 pandemic poses on the mental health of frontline health workers in the Americas, including the Caribbean. PAHO on Friday invited the workers to share their stories and strategies “to better manage and cope with this … [Read more...]
Rethinking health care delivery in Jamaica (Part 7)
[Reprinted: Jamaica Observer, 10-4-2020] Health care opportunities for Jamaica in the post-COVID-19 world Last week, the authors looked at cardiovascular care and radiology services as specific health care opportunities that can be harnessed by developing centres of excellence and consolidation of fragmented care systems that are usually inefficient and sub-optimal. They strongly believed that … [Read more...]
Cayman embraces telemedicine for mental health services
Telemedicine continues to expand into the Caribbean with the Cayman islands utilising telemental health which is counseling conducted by video conferencing. What is more intriguing is that the counseling incorporates the use of a robot as the interface between the client and the counselor. The robot will not be restricted to mental health services but can be utilised for other specialist services … [Read more...]
Autism in the Caribbean
Autism by definition is a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior. Autism is one of the most common chronic conditions affecting youngsters, with one in every 68 children affected. The disorder affects boys more than girls, with one in every 42 boys and … [Read more...]