Cyberattackers are shifting their focus more toward smaller healthcare providers, seeing them as easy targets. Outpatient facilities, including family medicine and specialty clinics, were targeted almost as often as hospitals in the first half of 2021, while business associates like claims processors accounted for 43% of all healthcare breaches, according to a report by cybersecurity firm … [Read more...]
Study Shows Electronic Health Records Improving But Safety Concerns Remain
[Reprinted: Pew Research Center, 6-11-2020] Clinical support tools still miss medication errors nearly a third of the time! Despite a decade of efforts to improve the performance of electronic health record (EHR) systems, clinicians’ use of some functions still frequently result in errors that can put patients at risk of unnecessary harm, according to a study recently published in the Journal … [Read more...]
How will the healthcare industry be different in a post-pandemic world?
[Reprinted: HealthCareBusiness, 4-20-2020] Despite the toll COVID-19 has had on the healthcare industry, a number of growth opportunities have been born out of the pandemic, according to analysts with Frost & Sullivan. A new analysis by the research firm, “Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare Industry,” shows a projected 100% increase in the use and adoption of virtual … [Read more...]
Telemedicine becoming more mainstream with healthcare providers
Healthcare might be a phone call or click away and it’s a 30 billion dollar market that continues to grow. From the common cold, to a stroke with seconds between life and death - Telemedicine is helping to diagnose and treat patients around the globe virtually. The American Medical Association says nearly 75 percent of all doctor, urgent care and emergency room visits could be handled safely … [Read more...]
Why healthcare providers are losing the cybersecurity battle
[Reprinted from MedCity News] It is time for medical organizations to re-assess the potential consequences of complacency, and equip their security teams with the resources they need to keep their staff, and ultimately their patients safe. In 2019 experts red-flagged previously unforeseen levels of attacks on healthcare providers, with the US Department of Health and Human Services … [Read more...]